
AGOTADO!! Description: These red precision disk wheels have an outer diameter of 5”, a width of...
Tu precio: US$7,99
AGOTADO!!! Description: This is a very simple 1m long TNC to RP-SMA cable. We like to use this...
Tu precio: US$8,95
Description: The SparkFun Simultaneous RFID Reader is an Arduino-compatible board to get you...
Tu precio: US$224,95
Description: This is your solution when you absolutely, positively need to get the most out of an...
Tu precio: US$49,50
Description: This is a simple breakout board for our RFID readers. The SparkFun RFID Reader...
Tu precio: US$4,35
Description: This is the SparkFun Photon IMU Shield, a versatile motion-sensing add-on board for...
Tu precio: US$28,95
Description: The SparkFun Photon Micro OLED Shield breaks out a small monochrome, blue-on-black...
Tu precio: US$30,95
Description: You can’t have any development board without some sort of prototyping area, the...
Tu precio: US$4,30
Description: The SparkFun Pi Servo HAT allows your Raspberry Pi to control up to 16 servo motors in...
Tu precio: US$15,50
AGOTADO!! Descripcion: Este es un soporte de batería 18650 de dos celdas increíblemente simple....
Tu precio: US$2,50
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