
Description: The MC33153 is specifically designed as an IGBT driver for high power applications...
Tu precio: US$3,30
Description: The VO3120 consists of a LED optically coupled to an integrated circuit with a power...
Tu precio: US$2,90
Descripción: El VO3120 consta de un LED acoplado ópticamente a un circuito integrado con una etapa...
Tu precio: US$2,90
Description: The MC34064 is an undervoltage sensing circuit specifically designed for use as a...
Tu precio: US$2,20
Description: Designed for bidirectional pulse-width modulated current control of inductive loads,...
Tu precio: US$6,90
Description: Designed for bidirectional pulse-width modulated current control of inductive loads,...
Tu precio: US$6,70
Description: The UDN2953B y UDN2954W are designed for bidirectional control of dc or stepper motors...
Tu precio: US$7,30
Description: The LB1836M is a Low-saturation two-channel bidirectional motor driver IC for use in...
Tu precio: US$2,95
Descripción: El CS289 está diseñado específicamente para usar con los movimientos del medidor de...
Tu precio: US$5,95
Descripción: El MN864718A es un chip controlador de HDMI para WII U Gamepad. Es una pieza de...
Tu precio: US$15,95
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