Magnetic Card Reader [SEN-11096]

Oferta especial
Disponibilidad: En existencia
Tu precio: US$44,95
Precio original: US$56,95


This is a simple three track magnetic card reader with serial output. This reader connects to your computer with a DB9 for serial and a PS/2 for power and outputs a 9600bps 8N1 ASCII serial stream. Plug the reader into a serial port (or USB to serial converter), swipe your frequent shopper card, and you’ll see the account number plain and unencrypted on the screen. We couldn’t find a card the reader couldn’t read. No drivers needed. No software needed. Just pure, wonderful serial.


Para más detalles ver el siguiente enlace:

Información básica
No. de artículos en existencia: 3
Te ahorras: US$12,00 (21%)
Producto nº: AD33421


Micro JPM Calle 0, Cartago, Costa Rica
Tienda: 4034-9793/6430-3068
Arte&Diseño: 2101-3819 /6273-6670
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